More Navel-Gazing
I am fairly unreadable, but not as much so as I had hoped. Back to the thesaurus it is, then.
UPDATE: Hmmm. The addition of this post reduced my "Fog Index" by a full 0.08.
It was developed under fear of car bombings and border-crossing raids.Not to cavil, but what the fuck sort of use is any martial arts technique going to be against a good old-fashioned car bombing? Even the noble art of wire-fu would only really work as an escape tactic, and if not - well, you'll be flying through the air one way or the other regardless.
I would not defend to the death his right to have these views, because I am annoyed that a man of such obvious ability and intelligence should hold them.From the archives of the great Simon Hoggart.
This presentation will discuss the plight of humankind: briefly how we reached this point and how religion is used by power, and more fully the new strategy of the Pentagon to secure and maintain the "creative destruction" of global (American) capitalism for the next several decades....I will no longer feel mortifying shame that this person is in some sense a colleague of mine. (The presenter is apparently a scholar of Peace Studies, the existence of which department reduced me to inarticulate gurgling sounds upon initial reading.)
The presentation will feature an in-depth analysis of the Pentagon's strategy for total domination, focusing on its Future Combat Systems program, and how this strategy negates traditional progressive responses. The presentation will then discuss the role of progressives and possible solutions, highlighting the potential for a paradigm shift based on quantum physics [oh dear sweet Jesus, no - ed] (and progressive strategies toward that end).
Black smoke means an unsuccessful round of balloting; white smoke — accompanied by the ringing of bells — means there is a new pontiff.I must admit, when I first heard about the white smoke/black smoke thing signifying a changing of the Pope-guard, I thought it had something to do with cremating the old one. I am a bad person.
has had her female law students at USC logging daily ratios of female- to male-penned op-eds in the Los Angeles Times for the last three years......I beg your pardon? This resonates disturbingly with some feelings I've been having lately about the practice of academia, and why I might have to run away from it screaming. You see, if a sinister profit-making employer were to ask me to do something this egregiously pointless for three years, I could at least expect to make a few bucks. I certainly hope I'm doing something with a bit more content to it, but I have little enough distance from the question that it's hard to be sure.
...extra care is required to make sure public discussion reflects the actual population... The top-down mainstream media have to some degree found the will and the means to administer such care.Run away! Run away!